Wales - Useful information for your trip

Wales is a constituent country of the United Kingdom, in Northern Europe, and Cardiff is its main city. Wales is lapped north-west by the Irish Sea, south-west by the Atlantic Ocean, while to the south Bristol Channel separates it from Cornwall and Saint George Channel divides it from Ireland.

Wales is a mountainous land, especially in the northern and central areas. The highest mountain is Mount Snowdon (1085 m). The climate is temperate but strongly influenced by the sea. The sky is often cloudy, the wind strong and frequent, just as the rain. Summers are warm, followed by relatively mild winters. All year round the weather is very changeable, even though the less rainy season is spring.

Due to the presence of many coasts, there are numerous varieties of marine birds, such as shearwater, puffin, seagull, cormorant and razorbill. There are also plenty of shrew-mice, badgers, hedgehogs and 15 species of bats. In Wales otters and stoats also live. The kite is the national symbol. The waters of Wales are populated by grey seals, basking sharks, turtles and dolphins. In the rivers salmons can be fished. 

From the mid - nineteen century to the postwar period, coal mining and export were the leading sectors in Wales. Nowadays, the service sector takes up most of the labour force. Due to poverty of soil, agriculture in Wales finds it hard to thrive, therefore the primary sector concentrates on livestock. Tourism is a developing sector.

During your stay in Wales, you shouldn't miss the landscapes of Snowdonia, the marvellous castles, such as Caemarfon and Conwy castles, and, of course, Cardiff, with its picturesque castle right in the heart of the city.