Bosnia and Herzegovina - trips and tailor-made holidays


Bosnia and Herzegovina - Travel tips

Discover Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the Balkans, its cities, from Sarajevo to Mostar and Medjugorje, with a tour, a vacation, or a customized trip.

Visit Sarajevo, rich in history, accompanied by an expert local guide, or visit Medjugorje shrine to enjoy a moment of silence and prayer. Dedicate a day to Mostar, a city where you'll find Stari Most bridge, Unesco heritage and a charming old town, or Banja Luka, the "green city", famous for its fortress and its mosque.

Finally, Bosnia and Herzegovina is also rich in interesting natural landscapes, as you will discover by visiting for example Sutjeska National Park which is also home to an old fortress and a canyon. Let our experts guide you, your trip and holidays in this corner of Europe will be unforgettable.

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