1. General Information 2. Contact details 3. Your travel Step 1 of 3 Make your own trip in Cuba Fill in the form to provide our travel experts with the necessary information to create your tailormade trip. The quote is obligation free. Who are you traveling with? * I'm alone With family With groups In couple With friends Choose the number of participants - 1 Adult + - 0 children + - 0 infants + What's the occasion of the trip? Choose the occasion of the trip Vacation Honeymoon Team building Business Incentive Other Do you already know when to leave? * Yes No Choose the date of arrival and return * Choose the departure date and duration of the trip * Choose the month I want to be advised March 2025 April 2025 May 2025 June 2025 July 2025 August 2025 September 2025 October 2025 November 2025 December 2025 January 2026 February 2026 Approximate duration Less than a week A week Two weeks More than two weeks What kind of trip are you interested in? * Group Tour Joining a small group with fixed departure dates Tailor-made travel Customised program and deperature date Continue Contact details This information is required to get you in touch with a local expert. Are you already registered? Login to fill in the form Name * Surname * Email * Telephone * International calling code Algeria +213 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrein +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belgio +32 Belize +501 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bielorussia +375 Bolivia +591 Bonaire +599-7 Bosnia ed Erzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Brasile +55 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Cambogia +855 Canada +1 Capo Verde +238 Ciad +235 Cile +56 Cina +86 Cipro +357 Colombia +57 Congo +243 Corea del Sud +82 Costa d'Avorio +225 Costa Rica +506 Croazia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +599 Danimarca +45 Dominica +1-767 Ecuador +593 Egitto +20 El Salvador +503 Emirati Arabi Uniti +971 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Etiopia +251 Filippine +63 Finlandia +358 Francia +33 Galles +44 Georgia +995 Germania +49 Giamaica +1-876 Giappone +81 Giordania +962 Grecia +30 Grenada +1-473 Groenlandia +299 Guadalupa +590 Guatemala +502 Guyana +592 Guyana +594 Haiti +509 Honduras +504 Hong Kong +852 India +91 Inghilterra +44 Iran +98 Irlanda +353 Irlanda del Nord +44 Islanda +354 Isole Cayman +1-345 Isole Comore +269 Isole Cook +682 Isole Fiji +679 Isole Marshall +692 Isole Salomone +677 Isole Vergini Americane +1-340 Isole Vergini Britanniche +1-284 Israele +972 Italia +39 Kazakistan +7 Kenya +254 Kirghizistan +996 Kiribati +686 Kuwait +965 Laos +856 Lesotho +266 Lettonia +371 Libano +961 Libia +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lituania +370 Lussemburgo +352 Macedonia +389 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Maldive +960 Malesia +60 Mali +223 Marocco +212 Martinica +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +262 Messico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldavia +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Mozambico +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Nicaragua +505 Niue +683 Norvegia +47 Nuova Caledonia +687 Nuova Zelanda +64 Oman +968 Paesi Bassi +31 Palau +680 Palestina +970 Panama +507 Papua Nuova Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Perù +51 Polinesia Francese +689 Polonia +48 Portogallo +351 Portorico +1 Qatar +974 Repubblica Ceca +420 Repubblica Dominicana +1-809 Repubblica Dominicana +1-829 Repubblica Dominicana +1-849 Romania +40 Ruanda +250 Saba +599-4 Saint Kitts e Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin e Sint Maarten +590 Saint Vincent e Grenadine +1-784 Saint-Barthélemy +590 Samoa +685 Sant'Elena +290 n Scozia +44 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 p Seychelles +248 Singapore +65 Siria +963 Slovacchia +421 Slovenia +386 Spagna +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudafrica +27 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svezia +46 Svizzera +41 Swaziland +268 Tagikistan +992 Taiwan +886 Tanzania +255 Territorio Britannico dell'Oceano Indiano +246 Thailandia +66 Tonga +676 Trinidad e Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turchia +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks e Caicos +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Ucraina +380 Uganda +256 Ungheria +36 Uruguay +598 USA Stati Uniti d'America +1 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zanzibar +255-24 Zimbabwe +263 Skype We may need to contact you to get more details on the trip. When do you prefer to be contacted? Quando preferisci essere ricontattato? From 9.00 To 12.00 From 12.00 To 14.00 From 14.00 To 18.00 From 18.00 To 21.00 Continue By sending the request you accept the services terms e Privacy policy Describe you trip Fill in the following fields. Our local expert will need this information to send you a tailormade travel program. What's the style of your trip? * Classic Luxury Adventure What kind of accomodation do you prefer for your trip? Choose the accomodation 3 star Hotel 4 star Hotel Lodge and Resort Luxury Hotel Resort and SPA Bed & Breakfast Bungalow 3 star Hotel How do you imagine your trip? Help us to create the best travel experience for you. Tell us about the places that you want to include in the itinerary, but also your interestes and particular needs. Try to write at least 300 characters What is the average budget per person? * € Per person, international flights excluded Want to be accompanied by a guide? Choose the language of your guide and of the support personnel English Spanish French German Italian - Send request