Mauritania - Useful information for your trip

Mauritania is a country located in the African continent; its western coast is lapped by the Atlantic Ocean.

Almost the total area of its territory is covered by sandy and pebbled deserts, mountains are quite small, in fact the highest, Kédia d'Idjil, only reaches an altitude of 915 m. Mauritania can boast the presence of a river only: Senegal, which cuts the country for 1440 km. Even if the morphology of the country is homogeneous, Mauritania shows three different climate zonesNouakchott area is influenced by mild sea currents and is constantly winded by trade winds; Senegal River’s region has a high average temperature and a humid climate, favouring the growth of the savannahs; finally, the Saharian zone boasts a scorching climate with very high temperatures and strong temperature range between day and night.

The climate conditions influence also the flora of the country, that is one of the poorest of the whole Africa. In the desert it is possible to see some fat and spiny plants, but moving to the south it is possible to admire the first large pastures till reaching the savannahs rich in high trees such as palms and acacias. On the contrary, the coastline is characterized by bushes. Wildlife includes reptiles, rams, antelopes, jackals and hyenas; rarely it is possible to see lions and leopards.

Beyond its arid and dry landscape, Mauritania boasts a long and important historical background and solid tradition. Kumbi Saleh is worth a visit, this city is considered the legendary capital of the medieval Ghana Empire, but also the most important archaeological site of the country. In 1913 an old mosque was discovered here and it is possible to admire its archaeological heritage at the National Museum of Nouakchott, the capital city. Oualâta library is also really interesting, it contains ancient and precious handwritten documents, and finally Zouerate Museum.

Mauritania’s traditions emerge in the popular festivals, such as Guetna or fête des dates, which takes place during July and August in the oases.