Uzbekistan - Useful information for your trip

Uzbekistan is a landlocked country situated in Central Asia, former member of the Ussr. Its official language is Uzbek and the capital city is Tashkent. From a geographic and morphological point of view, to the east lies the Alaj massif, whose slopes include Fergana valley, while to the west lies the Aral Sea, the remains of an ancient sea.

The territory can be divided into two different areas; the western part is characterized by the arid steppe of Kyzylkum, where the climate is dry and continental, while the eastern part includes the river basins of Zeravšan, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, separated by the spurs of Tian Shan, Alaj and Pamir mountain ranges. In the river valleys of this area the climate is more rainy.

Uzbekistan is the most populated country of Central Asia, the Uzbeks are the main ethnic group, with Russian, Tajik, Korean and Kazakh minorities. The flora of the country is made up of the vast desert vegetation e and that of the steppe. In both areas species of fauna abound, ranging from the antelope called saiga antelope, badger, fox, wolf, the huge Kyzylkum lizard, black bear, red deer, hawk, partridge and vulture.

The economy in Uzbekistan has different and contrasting features. On one hand, there is the huge irrigation of the arid areas for the production of raw cotton, the main product of the country. On the other hand, the country finds it hard to launch its products, raw materials rather than finished goods, in the markets of the economically strongest countries, due to its being landlocked.

Other important farming products are fruit and rice. As for livestock, the breeding of the Karakul sheep, allowing the production of wool, is quite relevant. Uzbekistan is the eighth country in the world for the production of gold; other natural resources include coal, natural gas, oil, uranium and rare metals.

During a trip to Uzbekistan, guests cannot miss the great archtectures and historical and artistic legacy of this country. Unmissable attractions include fascinating Registan Square and Tamerlan Mausoleum in Samarkand, the Ark of Boukhara, Amir Timur Museum and the Tower in Tashkent.